There’s a really fancy mall not far from where we live. My husband and I have given up going there because we don’t like how it makes us feel when we leave. The stores are really high end. Stores that sell $3000 purses and $800 shirts. Places we could never afford. We used to go there to walk after our daughter was born. It’s really big and climate controlled and good for window shopping. But whenever we left, it made us feel sort of bad about our life. Like there's a big divide in our heads between the haves and the have nots. Which is stupid. Because our life is good. No, it’s great. And it’s just a stupid mall. Who needs an inferiority complex from a mall. Isn’t that what the rest of society is for?
On the other hand, we can’t stand shopping at the ghetto mall by our house either. See, if the fancy mall makes you feel bad about yourself, you’d think the ghetto mall would make you feel good. Only it doesn’t. It mostly makes me think I need a shower when I get home. The fact that I’m driving the nicest car in the parking lot doesn’t make me feel any less paranoid about the thugs in line ahead of me at the pretzel place. And there’s always an impressive selection of clear heeled stripper shoe stores. Which is odd because they also have a nice Barnes and Noble. Go figure.
I think I’m over malls in general. Even middle of the road ones. They always seem to be full of skanky looking 13 year old girls and annoying packs of boys that like to cut right in front of our big rig stroller. Maybe it’s the big stroller that annoys me not the mall. Wait. No, I’m pretty sure it’s the skanky 13 year olds.
I'm with you. Online shopping is the only way to go when you live outside the city. Otherwise, city shopping is pretty cool.
All in all, I don't take a lot of joy in the process... just the results. ;)
I love love love online shopping!! I'm always annoyed when I find a store that doesn't offer online shopping.
And that, my friend, is why I wear potato sacks and don't leave the house.
I'm nodding in agreement! I know exactly what you're talking about! The pre-teens and teens have taken over our malls. It's no wonder fashion is catered to the young and thin. It sucks.
I could have written every word in your post.
I detest the pre-teens (I can't believe at one point in my life I was one of them), I can never make it through the stores to actually look at anything with my stroller!
Oh, and try though having a best friend who does nothing but shop from all of those high end malls. It is too the point where I don't know what, or who, she is talking about half the about inferiority complex.
Stupid malls!
Once upon a time I was a pre-teen mall roaming girl, too. Although I swear my mother never let me leave the house dressed like a hooker. And I have to admit hating the mall has really hurt my wardrobe. Unless gray T-shirt and jeans are considered stylish.
I so cannot stand malls. I won't go in one with my kids in tow because I think people behave just terribly in them (rude, skimpy outfits, outrageous spending).
This title made me laugh. Thanks for the visit and I will be back!
You're so right. I can totally picture two malls where I used to live that exactly fit your descriptions!
Thanks for stopping by my blog.
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