
I am an evil hag

My husband’s last semester is in full swing. Which is sorta awesome because it’s literally the last one. But he’s taking two classes so it feels like we’re two tiny little mules attempting to drag a three hundred million pound cart behind us. While taking care of two kids. But the semester is nearly half over already. So that’s sorta awesome squared.

On top of that, there’s like a big huge stressful project at work. Which typically, I have the innate ability to keep in perspective and never feel stress over. Except everyone at work keeps reiterating the monumental importance of the project so then I actually start to think maybe I should be stressed and experience occasional bursts of “The sky will fall if I don't get this done I don't know what I'm doing must keep working get it done now now now!” Thankfully, these moments pass quickly. I’m terminally low key.

I also have a stack of mail to go through, several phone calls to make, emails to return, blah blah blah. But who doesn’t? Which is why it baffles me when I’m the only one that can’t seem to keep up.

The mother of one of my daughter’s little daycare buddies keeps trying to set up a play date. Her kid moved to another daycare and the kids miss each other. Several notes and unreturned phone messages later, she probably thinks I’m some evil hag. Not to mention rude. My husband finally called her up and told her I’d been busy with him out of town and that I’d call her soon. That’s just sad. Maybe even sad squared. Maybe I am an evil hag. And rude.

To redeem myself I’m going to put that phone call on my list of things to do today. That’ll be like the 10th time I’ve put it on my to do list. But that’s beside the point. Because this time I really mean it.

Hopefully. We’ll see. See, there's the evil hag again.


Anonymous said...

Ugh, your job sounds like mine. Mounds of paperwork and not enough time to blog!

a happier girl said...

Normally, it's pretty low stress. Or at least I'm pretty low stress about it. It's just the stupid project that's got everyone weirded out. Although, like you said, it defintely doesn't leave me as much time to blog as I would like.

Anonymous said...

Did you call to set up the play date yet? Haha, I know I would have put it off but just wanted to see if you "really" meant it...

Bea said...

I am horrible for returning phone calls. I have one friend who communicates solely with my husband. I am actually a bridesmaid in her wedding next month, and still if we want to see each other she MSNs my husband and he relays the message to me.

a happier girl said...

I still haven't called that mother yet. That's just evil hag squared. I'm so bad with phone stuff! I swear I'm calling this weekend though.

bub - I wish I could convince my husband to handle things like that for me. That's so awesome. He just reminds me daily until I finally call or I stop saying I'm going to.

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