
Weekly Workout Recap

I continue to have my health kick on the brain.   I've avoided posting about it out of fear of sounding annoyingly OCD on the subject.  But if it's what's on my brain it's what's on my brain.  So I guess I'll just stop avoiding the topic and go all in.  Apparently I've been exercising a lot this week:
I'd like to say all of that was running but it wasn't.  Every other day is walking.   MapMyRun claims I can now successfully walk a mile at a 13.5 minute pace.  I don't know that I trust that completely because it seems a little power walkish but I will admit I do try to remember I'm not just out for a stroll.

I also finished up Week 9 of my 10K training (After finishing C25K, I picked up the 10K training app in Week 8).   That entailed running for 20 minutes walking for 2 or 3 minutes and running another 20 minutes.  Because there was a break in the middle, I seriously underestimated how challenging it would be.   I guess I thought a two minute break would renew my will to live. 

I'm happy to report that I survived and that the first mile has become significantly easier than it used to be.  I'm less happy to report that I couldn't stop clock watching the last 14 minutes.  It's become a fun game I play with myself trying to resist the urge to look.  I like to pick a trash can off in the distance and not look at my watch again until I get there.  Then, in my head, five minutes passes until I get there.  Then, in reality, I look at my watch and 47 seconds have passed.  Here's what I end up looking like most of the time:
Confused and developing some serious laugh lines around my mouth.  That's hot.

On deck this week, I'm looking forward to a Thanksgiving day 5K that I consider the C25K graduation equivalent of putting on the cap and gown and walking across the stage to get my diploma.  I seem to end up somewhere around 11 minutes per mile so my goal is under 35 minutes.  We'll see.  I've given my husband permission to run with me for the first time.  He's a bit of a running thoroughbred.  Combined with his high pain threshold and he's like a complete machine eating up the miles.  It goes without saying that he will be expected to put on a convincing act that running 3 miles is a challenge.   That is code for, he's not allowed to suggest at any point that we run faster.  I also don't think it would be unreasonable for him to brainstorm a few entertaining stories to tell me in just in case I need him to bring out a dog and pony show to distract me somewhere around the 2 mile marker.  Should be interesting!

Linking up with Little Girl in the Big World for the Weekly Workouts Roundup!

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