
Half baked but free at last

I have spent the last two days trapped in a black hole of work related training. Just to make the first day of training extra horrific the heater in the room ran amok and it was 100 degrees in the room. Or at least that’s how I remember it. I fanned myself so much I'm convinced I have carpel tunnel and will require workers comp.

On top of attempting to bake us to death, the training ran an hour long. Since I’m sorta new, I felt obligated to stay. But in my heart I was plotting a coup. When I finally got home last night, my husband wanted to know if I ever took care of the speeding ticket I recently got. I asked him when he thought I did that. I generally sleep at night. That doesn't leave a lot of room for running errands. Although I did have a spare three minutes this morning but I opted to use that time to simultaneously brush my teeth and use the bathroom. Not to mention I’ve also been responsible for our two kids in the morning. My husband normally handles the kids in the morning but he’s been going into work early this week. That left me watching the sun rise the last two days as I got everyone up and out the door. Makes for a long day. And a speeding ticket still sitting on the kitchen counter. Whatever.

On the bright side, I got the newest 4 year old the cutest dress ever for Christmas. $9 on eBay. Including shipping. Check it. My ovaries sort of ache when I look at that dress. Which is odd since it’s from The Children’s Place. Not that there’s anything wrong with The Children’s Place. I just rarely end up aching when I shop there. Smiling, yes. Purchasing, yes. But very limited aching.

On the downside, I keep getting outbid for cute Christmas pajamas for my 18 month old. What’s a girl gotta do to get her some extra dorky Santa pajamas in size 18-24 months? Christmas is less than 2 weeks away. We’re getting into dangerous “will it get here by Christmas?” territory. I may have to start wildly overbidding like everyone else. Because my baby needs Christmas pjs. It’s a tradition. Last year, the newest 4 year old even asked Santa for some. I love that. Almost as much as I love that she asked Santa for chocolate for her father and bones for the dogs. Talk about aching ovaries.


Chaotic Joy said...

So where is the link to the ebay listing so we can see the dress? Don't you know I count on you to provide visual aides?

Sorry about the stupid meeting. I detest meetings.

Maggie said...

I have to agree, I hate meetings. But NOTHING makes me crazier than meetings than run over their scheduled time. It makes my head want to explode...

I hope you find some great Christmas jammies for the little guy!

a happier girl said...

joy - My bad. I require visual aides as well. I'll make sure I get a photo up of the dress. The dress I love. Did I mention that?

i know - If you hate meetings and running along, just imagine doing it while it's 100 degrees in the room. It goes without saying you don't keep people a moment longer than necessary if it's hot in the room.

Anonymous said...

Have you checked out redenvelope.com? They had an adorable red fleece pjs that you can monogram. I bought the matching adult ones and now we have mommy, daddy, michael pjs for Christmas pictures. Cheesy, I know, but still... it is christmas :)

Shan said...

Can't wait to see the dress. I love the Children's Place.

Oh and just a head's up... I'm in my 30's and still making my Mom buy me Christmas jammies.

Anonymous said...

christine - Those pjs are too cute. I love them! And you totally inspired me to order my son personalized ones. They look like the long john ones on Red Envelope. So cute. Thanks for the suggestion!

shan - That's so nice. My mom still gives us stuff for our Easter baskets. You're never too old for traditions!

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